Primero™ is putting children first
Primero™ is an open source software platform that is driving digital transformation in social services. Primero helps workers manage protection-related data, with tools that facilitate child protection and gender-based violence case management and incident monitoring, as well as family tracing and reunification.
Primero™ is a certified digital public good. It's optimized to support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and aligned with humanitarian structures and processes.
Social services workers are often overworked and under-resourced. Primero is here to help.
Primero began as an idea in 2013. It is the result of many years of collaboration in the social welfare, child protection and gender-based violence sectors, driven by the need for a more robust, cost-effective, and user-friendly information management solutions.
Primero v2 is the new, entirely redesigned platform. It's a progressive web app that leverages a modern tech stack for continuous developement based on the experiences of thousands of users in +60 countries. Primero v2 is a fully supported software as a service.
Photo Credit: © UNICEF/UN0303255/Herwig
Photo Credit: © UNICEF/UN0651632/Panjwani
Photo Credit: © UNICEF/UN0651632/Tremeau
with and developed
for service providers
Case Management
Primero provides intuitive digital forms and clear workflows to assist with documenting case management processes, from identification and registration, to assessment, case planning, referrals and transfers, and case closure. With strong supervision features, notifications, and tasking tools, Primero is a complete digital case management solution.
Incident Monitoring
Primero allows users to document events and incidents in order to provide programmes with timely information on risk factors and violation patterns. Individual survivors of violence can then be linked to the services they need, and prevention measures can be implemented to mitigate future risks. Powerful reporting and analysis tools ensure that data is actionable.
Family Tracing and Reunification
Primero uses sophisticated matching technology to pair tracing requests made by caregivers with records of children registered as separated or unaccompanied. Matching criteria can be configured to meet the needs of the context. These features are backstopped by a complete case management module to ensure that children receive appropriate care.
Where we work
Hover over the interactive map to the left to see where CPIMS+ and GBVIMS+ are live and used by case workers, managers and programme specialists supporting case management. Note that this map is updated quarterly with many countries currently in the process of implementing Primero within their country programmes.
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